Army confronts robbers at Tawila market, North Darfur

The Tawila market in North Darfur was closed on Saturday after armed men attempted to rob the shops. “On Saturday Janjaweed on horses and camels, and others on motorcycles, were approaching the market of Tawila town with the purpose of plundering it,” a shopkeeper at the market told Radio Dabanga. “An army officer immediately told us to close our shops, and customers to leave the market, before the gunmen would enter the place. Army forces then confronted the attackers, and threatened to shoot them, upon which they withdrew, firing shots in the air.” On Sunday the market was still closed. File photo: Market in Kutum, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The Tawila market in North Darfur was closed on Saturday after armed men attempted to rob the shops.

“On Saturday Janjaweed on horses and camels, and others on motorcycles, were approaching the market of Tawila town with the purpose of plundering it,” a shopkeeper at the market told Radio Dabanga.

“An army officer immediately told us to close our shops, and customers to leave the market, before the gunmen would enter the place. Army forces then confronted the attackers, and threatened to shoot them, upon which they withdrew, firing shots in the air.”

On Sunday the market was still closed.

File photo: Market in Kutum, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

