Agreement on demilitarizing North South Border

Meeting in Addis Ababa under the facilitation of the African Union High‐Level Implementation Panel for Sudan, the Sudanese parties — the National Congress and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement — signed a Joint Position Paper on border security Monday evening, 30 May. The agreement details the establishment of a Joint Political and Security Mechanism for North and South Sudan, headed by the two Ministers of Defence and including the Chiefs of Staff of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the heads of intelligence and police, and other senior officials. The agreement also establishes a Common Border Zone between North and South Sudan, which is to be demilitarized and jointly monitored and patrolled.

Meeting in Addis Ababa under the facilitation of the African Union High‐Level Implementation Panel for Sudan, the Sudanese parties — the National Congress and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement — signed a Joint Position Paper on border security Monday evening, 30 May. The agreement details the establishment of a Joint Political and Security Mechanism for North and South Sudan, headed by the two Ministers of Defence and including the Chiefs of Staff of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the heads of intelligence and police, and other senior officials. The agreement also establishes a Common Border Zone between North and South Sudan, which is to be demilitarized and jointly monitored and patrolled.

The Joint Position Paper was signed by Lt.‐Gen Mahmoud Suleiman (NCP) and Lt.‐Gen Salva Mathok (SPLM) and witnessed by the African Union.


The agreement paves the way for further negotiations on key security issues between the parties, to be convened by the AU Panel within the week.


Source: African Union

