AFC: Preconditions must be met before negotiations can restart

The Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) will only restart negotiations with the Transitional Military Council if the TMC assumes responsibility for the dismantling of the sit-in before the General Command of the army on Monday June 3rd, which resulted in more than 100 deaths and hundreds of wounded.

The Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) will only restart negotiations with the Transitional Military Council if the TMC assumes responsibility for the dismantling of the sit-in before the General Command of the army on Monday June 3rd, which resulted in more than 100 deaths and hundreds of wounded.

The AFC also demands an international investigation into the dismantling of the sit-in, the release of political prisoners, protection of public freedoms and the freedom of press, the lifting of the ban on the Internet and an end to the presence of the military on the streets.


The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF, an alliance of Sudanese rebel movements) said it will seek a separate meeting with Ethiopia's prime minister Abiy Ahmed, who is mediating in Sudan between the TMC and the opposition, to discuss peace issues, hinting that it will enter separate negotiations with the TMC.

The SRF welcomed in a statement by its spokesman Mohamed Zakariya on Saturday the visit of the Ethiopian prime minister to Sudan last week, and his efforts to mediate and find solutions to the current political crisis.

The statement stressed that the only solution to the crisis is to put "peace" at the top of all issues to be discussed.


The head of the National Umma Party El Sadig El Mahdi, said on Sunday that an escalation between the opposition and the Transitional Military Council will harm the country. He said: “We are working to contain it.”

El Mahdi also said that it is possible to find a peaceful way out of the situation, pointing out that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and the African Union Peace and Security Council have united their efforts to come to a peaceful and consensual solution.


