Addis Ababa group and Tripoli group agree on integration

The Addis Ababa road map group, which consists of eight factions, and the Revolutionary Force group formed in Tripoli agreed to integrate within ten days to start the negotiations with the government.  Noreem Mimisi Barsham, head of the technical commission of the road map group told Radio Dabanga the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) refused to enter the negotiations with the two groups after the announcement of unification.

The Addis Ababa road map group, which consists of eight factions, and the Revolutionary Force group formed in Tripoli agreed to integrate within ten days to start the negotiations with the government.  Noreem Mimisi Barsham, head of the technical commission of the road map group told Radio Dabanga the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) refused to enter the negotiations with the two groups after the announcement of unification. This led to the postponement of the opening of the negotiations on Thursday. JEM has strongly denied what Barsham said. JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam told Radio Dabanga the JEM delegation has had several meetings with the mediation and there was no opening session planned on Thursday. He noted the mediation distributed a paper stating the negotiations will start on Monday. Ahmed reiterated the invitation to the movement of all groups in Doha to enter into a fusion based on partnership.

