Abducted road builders ‘freed by SAF’ in North Darfur

The commissioner of Tawila locality of North Darfur State, Adam Ahmed Taher, stated on Wednesday that the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and “the other regular forces” have managed to free an abducted civil engineer, four workers and their vehicles including a digging machine, a large transport truck a double-cab. The engineer and employees were abducted on Tuesday from the area of Tabit in Tawila locality by “one of the armed movements”. The commissioner told the Sudan News Agency that the government’s freeing of the abductees took place after only 12 hours, noting that “the process did not result in any casualties on the side of the regular forces”. File photo: Road building in Darfur (UN-OCHA) Related: Road builders kidnapped by gunmen in North Darfur (4 June 2013)

The commissioner of Tawila locality of North Darfur State, Adam Ahmed Taher, stated on Wednesday that the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and “the other regular forces” have managed to free an abducted civil engineer, four workers and their vehicles including a digging machine, a large transport truck a double-cab.

The engineer and employees were abducted on Tuesday from the area of Tabit in Tawila locality by “one of the armed movements”. The commissioner told the Sudan News Agency that the government’s freeing of the abductees took place after only 12 hours, noting that “the process did not result in any casualties on the side of the regular forces”.

File photo: Road building in Darfur (UN-OCHA)

Related: Road builders kidnapped by gunmen in North Darfur (4 June 2013)

