Abducted merchant escapes from captors in Nyala

A kidnapped man from Nyala managed to escape from the hands of his captors in South Darfur on Thursday. His relatives had started a sit-in to draw attention to the rising number of abductions in the state capital.

A kidnapped man from Nyala managed to escape from the hands of his captors in South Darfur on Thursday. His relatives had started a sit-in to draw attention to the rising number of abductions in the state capital.

Merchant El Sadig Hamdoun was abducted by militiamen in a car without license plate on Tuesday 6 December. The city has witnessed more abductions by gunmen who demand ransom money. Abductions have occurred in neighbourhoods or markets and in broad daylight.

Hamdoun managed to escape from the abductors with his hands still tied. A relative told Radio Dabanga he was held in a remote area. A woman who passed Hamdoun on his way back to Nyala on Thursday helped him to get out of the rope his hands were tied with.

Relatives of the abducted merchant set up a large tent in the city in an attempt to draw attention from the authorities, to act against the rising number of abductions for which the police has not managed to capture any of the perpetrators.

