Abbala militias threaten to invade Al Seraif Beni Hussein

Abbala militias threatened on Sunday to invade the city of Al Seraif Beni Hussein if members of the Beni Hussein tribe do not return 30 camels which were allegedly looted from Abbala tribesmen. An Abbala militant told Radio Dabanga that 30 of their camels had “vanished” on Sunday morning, allegedly looted by Beni Hussein tribesmen.It was added that the incident was reported to the commissioner of Al Seraif, Nazir of the Beni Hussein tribe, and that the Abbala militants threatened to invade the town if the camels were not returned to them. The Abbala militias gathered in Ed al Deek, southwest of Al Seraif. Al Seraif’s commissioner, Haroun Al Hussein, denied being informed about the alleged looting and any knowledge of the incident.Also, the commissioner revealed that a meeting was held on Sunday in the area of Um Kitoro to address the issues Al Seraif is facing. The civil administation of both tribes agreed during the meeting to renew the cease-fire treaty signed between the two tribes and to enhance the cooperation among all parties as well as to resolve all issues with the voice of reason and without resorting to violence.File photo

Abbala militias threatened on Sunday to invade the city of Al Seraif Beni Hussein if members of the Beni Hussein tribe do not return 30 camels which were allegedly looted from Abbala tribesmen. An Abbala militant told Radio Dabanga that 30 of their camels had “vanished” on Sunday morning, allegedly looted by Beni Hussein tribesmen.

It was added that the incident was reported to the commissioner of Al Seraif, Nazir of the Beni Hussein tribe, and that the Abbala militants threatened to invade the town if the camels were not returned to them. The Abbala militias gathered in Ed al Deek, southwest of Al Seraif.

Al Seraif’s commissioner, Haroun Al Hussein, denied being informed about the alleged looting and any knowledge of the incident.

Also, the commissioner revealed that a meeting was held on Sunday in the area of Um Kitoro to address the issues Al Seraif is facing. The civil administation of both tribes agreed during the meeting to renew the cease-fire treaty signed between the two tribes and to enhance the cooperation among all parties as well as to resolve all issues with the voice of reason and without resorting to violence.

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