50 dead in Misseriya-Nuwayba clashes near Kass, S. Darfur

The number of people killed in continuing clashes between the Misseriya and the Nuwayba section of the Rizeigat tribe in Kass Locality rose yesterday to an estimate of 50. Sources in the area told Radio Dabanga that fighters have been using Land Cruiserto clash in the villages of the Maleh valley. One local official said that people are busy with 70 dead and wounded.

The number of people killed in continuing clashes between the Misseriya and the Nuwayba section of the Rizeigat tribe in Kass Locality rose yesterday to an estimate of 50. Sources in the area told Radio Dabanga that fighters have been using Land Cruiserto clash in the villages of the Maleh valley. One local official said that people are busy with 70 dead and wounded.

