18 Minawi gunmen storm Transitional Authority compensation office in Khartoum

Gunmen loyal to ex-rebel commander Minni Minawi invaded an office building that is part of the Darfur Transitional Regional Authority, which Minawi is supposed to control. The office is the headquarters of the administrative organ established by a 2006 peace deal to distribute compensation to victims of the Darfur conflict.Abdullah Al Tahir Abdullah, head of the compensation office, revealed that an armed force of 18 men affiliated with the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minawi stormed the headquarters of the compensation office in Khartoum. He explained that the event occurred because of a rift between Minni Arkua Minawi, President of the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority, and Abu Al Gasim Ahmed Abu Al Gasim, the compensation commissioner. The two disagreed over the appointment of the Secretary-General of the Office. Al Tahir said that Abu Al Gasim issued a decision to abolish the post, whereas Minawi issued a decree appointing Yahia Hassan Neel as secretary-general without consulting the commissioner, who refused to accept the appointment.

Gunmen loyal to ex-rebel commander Minni Minawi invaded an office building that is part of the Darfur Transitional Regional Authority, which Minawi is supposed to control. The office is the headquarters of the administrative organ established by a 2006 peace deal to distribute compensation to victims of the Darfur conflict.

Abdullah Al Tahir Abdullah, head of the compensation office, revealed that an armed force of 18 men affiliated with the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minawi stormed the headquarters of the compensation office in Khartoum. He explained that the event occurred because of a rift between Minni Arkua Minawi, President of the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority, and Abu Al Gasim Ahmed Abu Al Gasim, the compensation commissioner. The two disagreed over the appointment of the Secretary-General of the Office. Al Tahir said that Abu Al Gasim issued a decision to abolish the post, whereas Minawi issued a decree appointing Yahia Hassan Neel as secretary-general without consulting the commissioner, who refused to accept the appointment.

