14k+ South Darfur graduates out-of-work

The executive director of the graduates’ apparatus in South Darfur, Hafez El Goni says that an initial inventory of the number of graduates without work in the state exceeds 14,000.

The executive director of the graduates’ apparatus in South Darfur, Hafez El Goni says that an initial inventory of the number of graduates without work in the state exceeds 14,000.

He reports that more than 9,000 graduates have applied to compete for 900 job vacancies in the state national employment project.


The Governor of South Darfur Adam El Faki Mohamed El Tayeb has handed 100 rickshaws for transporting goods and means of production to the state’s loading and unloading the workers.

He also instructed the manager of Nile Bank of Nyala branch to fund a project for the journalists of the state.

The head of the steering committee of the of journalists’ union, Mahjoub Hassoun, confirmed willingness to enter into smart partnerships with Nile Bank and Jiyad in order to improve the situation of journalists.

