13 children die in one week in Zamzam due to measles and diarrhea

Officials responsible for children’s care in Zamzam A and Zamzam B informed UNICEF on Monday that the rate of death among children reached thirteen deaths per week in the past two weeks due to the spread of cases of measles and diarrhea among the newly displaced children.

Officials responsible for children’s care in Zamzam A and Zamzam B informed UNICEF on Monday that the rate of death among children reached thirteen deaths per week in the past two weeks due to the spread of cases of measles and diarrhea among the newly displaced children. The death rate is especially high among those coming from Shangil Tobaya and Dar Elsalam. An activist from Zamzam camp told Radio Dabanga that the officials of the children’s network in the camp informed a delegate from the children’s protection department in UNICEF about the danger of the situation and the increase in mortality rates in children and also informed them about the lack of enough health centers and life-saving medicines.

On the other hand, activists who are also parents appealed for their children to be taken to hospitals or nearest health centers once fever or abnormal symptoms start showing on their children. They also urged the World Health Organization and Sudanese Ministry of Health to move to face the dangers which surround the children in Zamzam Camp near El Fasher.

