12-year-old raped in Central Darfur

On Saturday afternoon, two militiamen wearing military uniforms ambushed a displaced 12-year-old girl as she collected straw in Azum Valley in Zalingei locality. They raped her alternately for two hours.

A displaced 12-year-old girl was raped by two militiamen in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur, on Saturday afternoon.

The coordinator of the Central Darfur camps told Radio Dabanga that two militiamen wearing military uniforms ambushed the girl as she collected straw in Azum Valley, one kilometre from the Hassahissa camp for the displaced where she lives.

“They seized her at gunpoint, pressed her throat to stop her from screaming, and raped her alternately from about 2 pm until 4 pm,” he said.

“Camp residents who were passing through the valley on their donkey carts found her lying on the ground. She was bleeding heavily. They took her to the camp, from where she was transferred to Zalingei Hospital.”

The coordinator said that the girl is in a very bad mental and physical state. He added that the incident was reported to the police in Zalingei, capital of Central Darfur.

He called on the Sudanese government and Unamid to provide protection to the displaced, and see that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

